The Real Reason Behind Your Sky-High Energy Bills

If your electricity bill has skyrocketed this summer, you’re not alone. The summer heat has pushed air conditioners to work harder, driving up energy usage and prices.

If you’re looking to save on your energy bills, consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances with the blue ENERGY STAR label. Energy-efficient appliances use less energy, which minimizes the exploitation of natural resources.

1. You’re Staying Home More

During lockdowns and the pandemic, you may be spending more time than usual at home. While this is a great way to stay safe and avoid getting sick, it can lead to higher energy bills as you turn up the thermostat or use other devices to keep comfortable.

The good news is that there are a few ways to minimize energy usage while still enjoying your favorite comforts. For example, you can use appliances like dishwashers and washing machines during off-peak hours to save on electricity costs. Many appliances also offer built-in scheduling features that allow you to automate your energy use. And you can replace outdated appliances with Energy Star-certified models to reduce energy consumption.

As you spend more time at home, you may find yourself socializing differently than you used to. In fact, research suggests that the post-Millennial generation prefers to spend more time at home than previous generations. In addition to avoiding crowds, this group tends to connect with friends and family through social media rather than in-person meetings.

This type of socialization is not without its risks, but it has the potential to provide a sense of connection when you feel isolated from those around you. However, it is important to note that this doesn’t mean you should stop going out altogether. In fact, it is important to remember that socializing in-person can strengthen your connections and help you overcome stress and anxiety, or if you need a DGEC Dundee.

Additionally, working from home offers a number of perks beyond saving on gas and childcare costs. Being able to focus on work without the distractions of commuter traffic and workplace politics can increase productivity and allow you to achieve a better work-life balance. Plus, many people find that staying at home gives them more energy to take care of chores around the house or spend quality time with loved ones.

If you’re experiencing high energy bills, it’s time to consider your energy use and make some changes. Remember, comparing your energy usage to the neighbor’s will always be misleading. It is best to use your own past energy usage as a benchmark when evaluating your current bill.

2. You’re Using More Devices

Receiving your monthly electric bill can be a bit of an annoyance. But that annoyance can quickly turn into dread if you peek at the numbers and see your electricity charges have skyrocketed. What’s going on? Luckily, there are a few common reasons why your energy bills have risen that you can troubleshoot and resolve.

One of the biggest reasons your electricity bills are high is because you have too many devices plugged in. Modern electronics continue to draw electricity when they’re on “standby.” Often, these are called vampire appliances because they suck up energy even when they aren’t being used. This includes DVR systems, garage door openers, smart home devices like Amazon Echo, phone chargers, and more. You can significantly reduce your electricity costs by unplugging devices when you’re not using them or putting them on a power strip that you can shut off.

It’s also important to make sure your devices are optimized. For example, if you have ceiling fans in large rooms, be sure to turn them off when you leave the room. Likewise, make sure your thermostat is set to a more efficient setting. Using an older refrigerator can drive up your electricity use, so consider getting a new model that uses less energy.

Another reason why your electricity bills may be high is because you’re not using energy-efficient lighting or appliances in your house. Old incandescent bulbs are a huge waste of energy. If you’re still using these in your fixtures, it’s time to upgrade to LEDs, which are 80% more efficient than traditional bulbs.

In addition to converting your household to energy-efficient products, you can also save money by upgrading your windows and sealing air leaks. Drafty attic spaces and old windows can significantly increase your energy usage. Investing in energy-efficient upgrades today can drastically cut your electricity bills down the line.

3. You’re Using More Heat

Receiving your monthly energy bill is already annoying enough, but that annoyance can turn into dread when you open it to find your per-kilowatt hour rates have skyrocketed. The good news is you probably aren’t using more electricity, but there may be a few reasons why your rate is higher than usual.

For many people, the most likely culprit behind their high electricity bill is that they are heating their homes more often. When you’re in a cold snap, you will use more heat to maintain your comfortable temperature, which can lead to higher electric bills.

Additionally, if you have a programmable thermostat, you can save money by heating your home only when you need it. You can also reduce your energy consumption by setting your thermostat to the lowest temperature possible, since it takes less power to warm up a room than it does to cool it down.

Another common reason for higher electricity bills is that you’re using more appliances, such as clothes dryers or dishwashers. If you are on a time-of-use plan, it’s important to operate these devices during off-peak hours when prices are lower. Additionally, older appliances can be energy-hogs and should be replaced with newer models that are more efficient.

The other major reason for higher electricity bills is the rising cost of energy. As the price of natural gas, coal and oil rise, so do residential electricity rates. This winter has been particularly expensive for natural gas, which has led to higher electricity rates.

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has driven up fuel prices and geopolitical unrest is pushing up the price of imported energy. As a result, most utilities have seen their electricity rates increase year over year.

4. You’re Using More Cooling

When the temperature rises, air conditioners work overtime to cool homes. This is why you may see a jump in your electricity usage and resulting bill as summer temperatures soar across the country.

If you notice your electric bill is higher than usual, consider switching to a time-of-use rate so you can save money on your energy bills by using appliances during off-peak hours. This is a great way to help offset the high summer energy rates, and you can still enjoy the comfort of your home.

Another easy way to reduce your electric bills is to unplug any “vampire” appliances that continue to suck electricity even when they’re not in use. This includes everything from computer chargers to TV sets. Leaving them plugged in can waste up to 10 percent of your electricity consumption.

Lastly, if you’re using a lot of energy to cool your home, it’s a good idea to schedule a professional cooling system inspection and service with PNM this spring or fall to ensure your unit is running efficiently. Having your unit properly maintained can save you up to 30% on your electricity bills in addition to preventing costly repairs and premature replacements.

The bottom line is that there are many reasons why your energy bills might be high besides just a spike in prices from the summer heat. These include the increase in air conditioning use as temperatures soar, the lingering effects of natural gas price hikes due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and upgrades to the power grid that are necessary to deal with wildfires and storms, which cost utilities money that they pass along to consumers.

Overcoming confirmation bias is essential for utility communicators to do if they want to win back the trust of customers after a season of sky-high energy bills. The best way to do this is by creating a new narrative that includes the facts, and by acting differently to demonstrate that the words are true. This strategy can work, if the deeds are convincing enough, and message discipline is applied.

Kathryn Hudak

Kathryn Hudak is an experienced political blogger who offers sharp, insightful commentary on both national and international political affairs. With a focus on policy analysis, election coverage, and government strategies, Kathryn breaks down the complexities of politics for her readers. Her blog serves as a platform for fostering informed debates and empowering citizens to stay engaged with the political process. Passionate about democracy and public service, Kathryn provides a fresh, informed perspective on the ever-evolving political landscape.


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