Today: February 14, 2025

Media Bias Meter

Media Outlet Bias Lean
Fox News Highly Opinionated Right/Conservative
CNN Opinionated Left/Moderate-Liberal
MSNBC Highly Opinionated Left/Progressive
The New York Times Opinionated Left/Moderate-Liberal
The Washington Post Opinionated Left/Moderate-Liberal
NPR (National Public Radio) Balanced/Neutral (mostly factual reporting) Slightly Left-Leaning
BBC News Balanced/Neutral Center (Global Perspective)
The Wall Street Journal (News Section) Factual Reporting Center/Right-Leaning
The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Section) Opinionated Right/Conservative
Reuters Factual Reporting Center (Neutral)
The Guardian Opinionated Left/Progressive
The Hill Balanced Coverage Center/Leans Slightly Right
Bloomberg Factual Reporting Center/Right-Leaning
The Associated Press (AP) Highly Factual Center (Neutral)
Politico Balanced/Neutral Center-Left
USA Today Balanced Coverage Center/Moderate
Breitbart News Highly Opinionated Right/Conservative
Vox Opinionated Left/Progressive
Daily Wire Highly Opinionated Right/Conservative
HuffPost Highly Opinionated Left/Progressive
Newsmax Highly Opinionated Right/Conservative
Al Jazeera Factual Reporting Center/Leans Slightly Left
Axios Balanced Coverage Center
New York Post Opinionated Right-Leaning
The Atlantic Opinionated Left/Moderate-Liberal
ProPublica Investigative, Factual Center/Leans Left
Epoch Times Opinionated Right-Leaning

Notes on Bias Categories:

  1. Factual Reporting: Outlets that focus on providing facts and neutral coverage, with minimal opinion or editorializing.
  2. Balanced Coverage: Media that provide news with a mix of perspectives, striving for neutrality but may have a slight lean.
  3. Opinionated: Outlets that often include strong viewpoints, either through editorials or slanted news coverage.
  4. Highly Opinionated: Media sources that heavily emphasize opinion, commentary, or specific narratives, often with limited opposing viewpoints.

Lean Explanation:

  • Right/Conservative: Tends to support conservative policies, viewpoints, and right-wing politics.
  • Center/Moderate: Provides coverage without a strong political bias, or balances views from both the left and right.
  • Left/Progressive: Tends to support progressive policies, viewpoints, and left-wing politics.
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